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Mlp原创英文同人 science is magic

2023-03-08RainbowMlp 来源:百合文库
My little pony fanfic "science is magic"serialise begin.
cuteusa in ponyville
every day has a new pony join the ponyville(and become pinkie's friend),cuteusa is one of them.but maybe the special one.
frist show:science is rapier.
A another winter is coming agian.rainbow's pet will sleep agian too.but this time,something will change.
“I don't want tank leave me,I need he play with me at all the year.”one day,rainbow is watching tired tank and complaining.hearing that,twilight said:"don't be wooden head,you can't stop winter. It must come."with the think back,twilight add at:"last winter,you want to destroy the cloud city make the winter coming early and more guard pony.
forget it!"
rainbow wants to reback,but her remember that cuteusa said that science will make more power then magic.So that,at the frist pony airport(cuteusa's home).Rainbow finds out cuteusa who is washing a rocket plane.
"hey,cuteusa.can you do me a favor?""of course my friend,how can I do for you?"rainbow checkes that no pony at here but herself and cuteusa then says:"I want you help me…destroy the cloud city"
"easy."cuteusa said with smile:"my rocket plane can take more then five missiles.it is enough I think."
"what's mean of missiles?""look that!"cuteusa uses her hoof sensing a cylinder which under the plane wing."a rocket engine will take it to anything you want to destroy.200kg TNT will explode at here.but why do you want do that?"
"for my pet tank.I have to do it.""I don't know what's mean.but friendship is magic.I will help you."
To be continued…
foreplay:rainbow wants to destroy the cloud city. so her find  cuteusa to help.
"OK,but frist,let us summary your last battle."cuteusa speaks to rainbow that:"frist wrong,you should not bring tank with you,this is your biggest wrong too.in battle.you should bring nothing but can be use ."with a smile and add"just for joke,even reall tank can't be use full.because cloud city is on sky,we need plane to destroy it"
"all right,I know."rainbow is a little unhappy and say:"I just want to destroy the cloud city to stop winter,we would better test those missiles.I hope it can be like you say."
"no problem""I have a mission can be use."
next day morning…at appleJack's farm.
"I want remove this old garner to be a new one when winte…a bad day what you dislike coming.""cuteusa will help us,just wait and see.""really?her powerful then you?"at applejack's home,rainbow and applejack stay at window and see at the old garner.
just one hour,cuteusa is driveing a plane and coming.with two long fire like two dragons,two missiles is coming out from plane and go to garner straightly.one big bang,garner go to nothing.
"what happen?that's so crazy!"when the applejack in surprised,rainbow say in mind that"cool!I will say…winter never coming anymore!"
To be continued
just for reback English
Foreplay:rainbow want to destroy the cloud city to stop winter,before her see cuteusa how to remove the garner…
"Awesome! You just fire two or three missiles and cloud city will be nothing! But I don't want hit any pony too"hear that say, cuteusa say that "OK,just a dive battle."cuteusa and say:"let us dive into cloud city and explode the wintermaker. Just like you do at last time."
"But how do we do that? Move then sixteen guard pony are protecting that place.  ""I said. Sienese is magic too,I will give you a tranquilizer sniper gun."
Next day,near the cloud city.
"Ok…this is lighter pony team..sniper really!"with the binocle and cuteusa said that. Rainbow said:" hoply they can forget me."
Two fire,two sleeping.without guard cuteusa and rainbow dive into the cloud city.
"Ok,this is a easy mission.put the bomb at the snow machine and destroy it. Last time you run out water only stop them little times, but now, they will never make any snow before then fix it.""when they fix it,it is spring and winter rape again."
With the quiet and sleeping another pony, they go to snow machine again.when the cuteusa put c4 at the snow machine rainbow is seeing for under cover.
"C4 is on the way,let us move out!"" How much time do we have?""half hour."when the c4 is really to explode,they dive out of cloud city.
"Take me! I don't want to stay with a explode cloud Citylife.""why are you say that? I am mean of loyal element."when they out of cloud city,rainbow take the cuteusa fly away just as they coming.
But at same tim,twilight is worry about rainbow maybe make something as that so her go to the cloud city…
To be continued.
foreplay:rainbow and cuteusa was put a c4 bomb at the snow make machine,and twilight also going to cloud city for safely.
"Hey! wake up! What happen?"when the twilight seeing the sleeping pony. Her know must happen something. When her see the injection . Twilight is almost guessed what  happen.
"A injection…with something sleep liquid…snow machine is in danger!"know that,twilight going to snow machine very quickly before her see the c4 bomb.
"That must be a bomb what cuteusa say. Hoply not a nuclear bomb…I have to stop it."when the twilight try to remove the bomb. Rainbow and cuteusa is watching the cloud city and waiting for a big bang.
"Hey,why not happen? It have been one hour.""I don't know. c4 was puting,it must be explode."with a angry talking,rainbow add that:"nopony can stop me with tank. I will finish them…cuteusa,give me a rocket plane! I will destroy the cloud city by my hoof. For back to airport."
And in the cloud city,twilight is looking the c4 wreckage in the magic cover and say:"that's so powerful. My magic was almost run out for it…I have to sent a letter to the Princess celestia."
To be continued.
Foreplay: rainbow and cuteusa put a c4 at the snow machine but twilight stop it. Now rainbow ask cuteusa give her a rocket plane and missiles and twilight send letter to Princess celestia for help.
At the library…
"How can I do? Cuteusa is powerful then me. rainbow want to destroy the cloud city. If cuteusa use the nuclear bomb or give it to rainbow, all of us will for nothing."when  Twilight is waiting the answer with anxious, the Princess Luna land at the balcony.
"Princess luna?""twilight,don't worry. My sister ask me to help you."Luna is walking and say:"cuteusa don't want to hit any pony,she just lost her way and misguide by rainbow.I will stop rainbow and you should stop cuteusa."
"Yes,my queen"
At same time,in pony airport.
"I hear that you have something very powerful called nuclear bomb. Use it!"" What? Are you sure? I think even black crystal King life agian can't hand on one of it.""sure! Sure! Sure! Nothing can stop me play with tank."under the plane wing,rainbow and cuteusa are rowing and loading the missiles.
"Missiles is on the way…are you really?""get out! I will drive it by myself."" Just I know how to hand it,I don't want see the 911 agian"at cockpit. a row make a…full down.
Nobody know how long ago…
"My head…so pain…"rainbow wake up at frist,seeing the narcoseing cuteusa and plane with opening cockpit and missiles. Without thinking rainbow set up at the cockpit.
With something magic things. Rainbow know how to drive it. Uping engine. Slideing. Take off. One by one.
"Wow,I thought it will be very hardly to control. And now,cloud city,say goodbye to me."rainbow drive the rocket plane fly to the cloud city…
To be continued
Foreplay:rainbow gets the rocket plane and missiles flying on the way of cloud city. And twilight and Princess luna is also on the way to stop them.
Fly in the sky,rainbow doesn't have mind to watch anywhere as her used,just see the cloud city..until her see the twilight is in the way.
"Twilight,are you want to stop me?""I don't let you can destroy cloud city only for youself."rainbow brawl in the plane cockpit,and twilight also is really for magic.
"Get out of my way!"hear that,rainbow fires a missile,and twilight fire by her magic,and then,rainbow also dodge by the agile plane and the rcs system.
"If you without cuteusa's help,what can you do? Run out water agian?""shut out! Nothing can stop me play with tank."with the another missile to the twilight,rainbow is going cloud city with engine all power.
"Goodbye,cloud city."cloud city is on rainbow's sight,rainbow fire all of missiles and fire with machine gun.
"Stop ! Rainbow! No!"at last second,twilight put a magic cover on the cloud city,missiles all of them explode at out.bullets also full down.rainbow is angry and twilight is very tiredly.
"Twilight,what are you doing?I hate you!"seeing that rainbow is angry,and another voice hear that:"you hate twilight? Do you want to use something more powerfull?"
"Yes!""even that will hit your other friends?""yes! I want to stop winter!"
At a second,rainbow wake up under plane agian,her still at the airport and cuteusa also in comatose. But that time,a nuclear missile is in front of rainbow.
"That must be the nuclear weapon , I hear that has enough power to destroy one of pony village."take the missile at back,then load at plane rainbow jump in cockpit then start engine agian.
"That's time,cloud city will be nothing surely!"with that say,rainbow drive the rocket plane going to cloud city.
That time,very quickly,rainbow is hover in front of cloud city. And the voice is said agian:"are you sure? Destroy cloud city with all of pony village? The nuclear science not a game."
"What wrong? Tank will play with me forever."without thinking,rainbow fire the nuclear missile,and the voice said:"so that,is will let you see what will happen."
The nuclear missile explode at sky,strong orange light is up at all of everywhere,when the light is down,the nuclear cloud exchange the cloud city.
"I win! I am win! Cloud city and winter is for nothing forever!"when the rainbow is exciting,the voice said"are you sure? Let you see something don't as you thinking."
At next second,rainbow at the land.pony village is become a ruins. Everything is for nothing,just nuclear light and the nuclear cloud.
So many pony full down at land,"twilight! Applejack,AppleLilly,pink pie,cuteusa…buttershy!No,what happen? Are you ok?"when the rainbow in crazy,Princess luna is walking and saying"it all by you ,rainbow,. Nuclear weapon not only destroy the cloud city but also destroy all of it.do you know what you do?"
"No…that's not ture,No! ""Rainbow,remember,If you don't have a real aspect,the more power only can give you the more wrong."Princess luna up the rainbow's head and say:"for begin,are you sure tank want to play with you all the year? You just for a wrong mind,take the suffer at all the pony village."
"Yes. I am wrong,but how can I do?""know you wrong is ok…because all of it just a dream…when you and cuteusa full down from plane."
With the luna saying,rainbow wake up at the bed,and ,Princess luna,twilight and cute usa is for seeing.
"Twilight,you are live?""yes,mabe in you dream I am dead by a missile.""I am sorry,twilight."twilight just say with angry"not bad I and Princess luna was meet you before cuteusa wake up you. And…"
At real world,the cuteusa is wake up frist,when her want to wake up the rainbow,Princess luna going to rainbow's dream and twilight stop the cuteusa.
"Stop,cuteusa,you just help rainbow make a big wrong""why?friendship is magic,her ask me destroy the cloud city,why should not help her?"
"Stay cool,cuteusa,listen to me."twilight meet cute usa and say:"yes,friendship is magic.but you also know your friend make a real mind?everyone will make wrong,and you help only to make a more big wrong."twilight and say:"you know the science,but if lost control,it just be bring bad.you can know what will hapen if rainbow fire the nuclear missile?
""All of it.."when cute usa in thinking, Princess luna make this in to rainbow's dream.