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2023-03-14Beautifulmiss话美人Rumours 来源:百合文库
Distant villages can be seen through telescopes.
Go up the second floor through the couch can discover she is a woman alone vacant room.
It explains the wear on the furniture and the hiding place of radio.
After search, the side position of top lamps on the meeting room has an obvious secret door opened.
The table and chair are rickety, the bottom has obvious wear and tear.
Inside, the furnishings again proved a beautiful miss hidden in the backyard.
Look up, on little balconies, folded telescopes, not gone.
They turned to the door, the owner, the usual chair, empty.
Beside the fountain, a beauty fan and a tape recorder were lost.
The yard was a mess.
What came into view was a two-story building.
Rush into the familiar back garden.
