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The spark of the proletariat

2023-03-27苏联斯大林托洛茨基列宁无产阶级 来源:百合文库
The Soviet Union, also known as the Soviet Republic, National Anthem: The Unbreakable Alliance. The Soviet Union was founded by Lenin.
Great Lenin! He passed the sacred October Revolution! Down with the cruel Czar! However, after Lenin's death, a man more cruel than the Czar came to power......
He! Stalin! Full name: Joseph Stalin. Although he defeated the evil fascist Germany, the people he killed were not much different from the murderers of World War II, but the murderers were afraid of him. When you gaze at the abyss, the abyss gazes at you, Nietzsche. Stalin is not communism, he is a variant of fascist, and the Soviet Union's invasion of Finland proves this.
Among those who oppose Stalin, there is a warrior, he! Father of the Red Army! Trotsky! From then on, Communists were divided into Stalinists and Trotskyists. Finally, he was assassinated in Mexico by Stalin's men. Under Stalin's model, telling the truth is a revolutionary act.
Soviet Union! It! It is the home of countless proletarians! Unfortunately, he was destroyed by three traitors! The three traitors are: an evil revisionism, the Soviet revisionism, Khrushchev, but this is only the beginning. Next, they should be sentenced to death! Yeltsin, Gorbachev!
The glory of the Soviet Union was born on December 30, 1922, but it died in disgrace on December 25, 1991.
The old people of Russia, when singing the Russian national anthem, unconsciously, sang back the unbreakable alliance......
Soviet Union, it exists in the holy heart of every proletarian! He belongs to everyone! Proletarians, the world! This world! It will be the world of the proletariat!
The Soviet Union, for New China, is an indispensable teacher. Similarly, it is also an indispensable lesson.
