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reality shifting 转移现实/平行时空

reality shifting 转移现实/平行时空

Oh hey guys!! i shifted myself to another reality but it’s totally casual. Now I’m putting more details. So it’s just I suddenly found myself lying in bed with a boy apparently he’s not someone in my cr. Somehow I wanted to kiss him so I reached out my hands to touch him. And I kissed him, It was that moment I knew I was in another reality. Because I knew how it felt like when in a lucid dream. In a lucid dream we see all images and feel real about all but we don’t actually control our body and feel every movement. But in reality shifting our subconscious mind actually in the body of another reality and we move like normal. And I also opened my eyes and I saw him, and then we made love. After that my father suddenly broke in and saw him, he took him downstairs and I was freaked out. So I quickly ran away back to my cr. Bcs I didn’t do any script for a dr, and I didn’t set a safety word. So I was just there for a while.

reality shifting 转移现实/平行时空
