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2022-05-29 来源:百合文库
During the summer vacation, I read a book. It is the adventures of Tom Sawyer by Mark Twain, an American writer. This book tells us that Tom is a very naughty boy. He and his half brother are under the custody of Aunt Polly. One day, Tom and Huckleberry Finn made an appointment to go to the graveyard to have a daring competition, but they saw that Joe, the Indian, killed Dr.


Robinson, and then blamed the stunned mufport. Tom thought that no one cared about him, so he and Huck went to find the treasure. After suffering, he found the treasure of Joe the Indian.
In Tom, wisdom, scheming, justice, bravery, leadership and many other talents are embodied.
We should learn from Tom Sawyers imaginative, lovely, kind, brave, resourceful and helpful qualities.