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2022-07-07 来源:百合文库

Les miserables is a novel written by Hugo, a famous French writer.
The plot of the book twists and turns: a man named Jean Valjean is in prison for stealing something. After he was released from prison, his pseudonym was Ma Delan, and he was once an entrepreneur. Later, he was arrested due to identity detection, and soon escaped, and was constantly pursued. The story takes Jean Valjeans miserable life as the main line and describes the miserable life of the French people at that time.
In Hugos works, the character of each character is obvious: sinister and cunning Thenardier, ferocious but intelligent scout Javert Hugo interspersed them in Jean Valjeans story to make it more colorful.
Since its called "les miserables", there must be many tragedies in the story. Its true that the French revolutionary soldiers failed to defend the barricade, and the leaders were shot; the kind Fantine died because of fright These scenes stayed in my mind all the time.