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英语短篇同人小说:Daughter of a Cannibal《食人者之女》(二)(6)

Pinning him down by the chest, he starting yelling out for help. She came to the conclusion that he was too drunk to push her off of him. His eyes widened when he noticed the red dress she was wearing underneath her coat. 
她远远地跟着他,看着他所做的每一个动作。和他转过所有相同的角落,避开任何他直接踏入的水坑。身披一件黑色的风衣 / 外套 /大衣,她从男人的后面靠近他。将他击倒在地,她自风衣 / 外套 /大衣的口袋内握起从她所住的酒店厨房偷走的一把大屠刀。将他固定住,他便开始大声喊救命。她的结论是他醉得太厉害,连推开她都无法做到。当他发现她风衣 / 外套 /大衣底下穿着的红裙时,他的眼睛睁大起来。 
“CONCHITA! CONCHITA IS BACK!” Saki panicked. Did he mean her? Her mother didn’t do things like this, did she? She raised the knife over her head and brought in straight back down on his forearm from her state of panic. He screamed in pain as his lower arm was taken away from him. There was blood everywhere. She felt like she could throw up but instead she grabbed the arm, hit the man over the head with the handle of the knife in an attempted to knock him out and ran as fast as she could.
She only turned around once to check on the man. He was lying on the ground and was either unconscious or lifeless. 