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〔原作者已授权〕Terraria Legend:the Nurse(3)

2023-03-14同人小说泰拉瑞亚 来源:百合文库
"So it is... I did see her reading medical books in the clinic just now. She works so hard... No wonder the medical art is so good... "
"If you get a chance, we'll call on the man later. You might be able to use his guns."
"Well, that would be trouble... "
Standing here at the top of the world tree, the tallest place on land in the whole tela, you can look down on the whole continent. At this moment, an emerald woman with long curly hair stands at the top of the huge tree, looking down on the whole continent without expression.
"The sword was drawn from the stone... After a long time, she spoke slowly.
"The man of light... No, it's not that simple... I don't feel the power, but it's not just the power of light... "She raised her right hand, and a green energy flowed from the heart along the tendril dress to her right, and a heart - shaped plant shimmered green in the palm.
"Sure enough... The heart of the mighty tree cannot relate to this force... Can't even control it... What the hell was in that man... To contend with the sacred power of giant trees... She frowned, put down her hand slowly, and drew back the heart of the great tree.