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Red Velvet策划分析素材——本人翻译的公开顺序和Chapter顺序的《ReVe童话故事》

ReVe童话故事公开顺序:Chapter 15 Zimzalabim
"Zimzalabim!" The magic word summons bells and drums that line up and begin a parade.ReVe follows the musical notes through the parade and comes across a secret magical space.The entrance reads, 'Think of a wish and keep on saying, "Zimzalabim!"
“Zimzalabim!”这个魔法词汇召唤着铃和鼓排队,开始一个游行,ReVe跟在音符后面穿过游行,遇见一个神秘魔法空间。入口写着: “许一个愿,然后一直念Zimzalabim!”
Chapter 14 Sunny side up!
Bright yellow sun rises and all of the flowers around ReVe stretch their necks towards the light.The sun throws a tantrum, heating up the whole world and everyone begins to scramble restlessly.Alarmed, ReVe turns the flowers to keep them from burning until the sun stops its tantrum.
明亮的黄色太阳升起, 所有ReVe周围的花儿伸着它们的脖子朝着“光”。“太阳”发了一个怒,烘烤着整个世界,大家都开始慌张的争夺。担心的ReVe翻转花儿,直到太阳停止发脾气,来使它们避免被点燃。
Chapter 13 Milkshake
The ground below ReVe shakes and opens up, swallowing ReVe whole.ReVe falls down an endless void, and her hands and feet begin to freeze from the cold air.The fruits falling with ReVe turn to her and say with a smile, "This always happens when the ice and milk fight, you have to shake your body to keep it from freezing.ReVe shakes and shakes her body and feels her softly melt. At last she arrives at white,snow covered field.