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The Island Chapter 7

2023-05-30克苏鲁孤岛新人小说 来源:百合文库

The Island Chapter 7

Chapter 7: Who's there?
By: ArthurZhang
Day 3
Blair woke up in the morning, the sun hasn’t risen completely, with a little mist around the camp. The entire forest looks like a wonderland in the cloud. Blair took out her toothbrush from a backpack and walks straight to the forest. After a while, Blair got to their ship, where the rest of their belonging at. While Blair is looking for her mirror, she heard some movement from inside the cabin. “Who’s there?” Blair said to the cabin. “Hello? Is anyone there?” Suddenly a girl shows out from the cabin and scares Blair. The girl is not very old, looks like the same age as Blair and her friends. but not as clean as Blair who comes from a big city l. In contrast to Blair, this girl is more like from the slums. “Who are you? What are you doing here?” Blair said with an aggressive tone. “Forgive me, miss! I’m just passing by your boat, My name is Tania and I’m one of the Kalulu’s people! Please don’t hurt me!” Tania crouched down and hold her head like Blair is going to execute her. “Then why are you doing in our cabin?” Blair keeps asking Tonia, it is clear that she didn’t trust this little girl in front of her. “I’m Sorry, but I’m just too curious about your ship, and I couldn’t resist going into it, I didn’t see anything like this before.” Tonia still keeping her head down. “Alright, you can get up. You just scare me out there you know?” Blair reaches her hand to Tania. “Blair, that’s my name, what’s yours?” “Tania, miss, my name is Tania.” “Alright Tania, you look so dirty, let me fix that problem for you first......