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诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【497-503】

2023-08-20 来源:百合文库

诡秘外国网友评论节选意译 - 【497-503】

【497章(旅行家-15章 悬赏墙)】
Klein: "You see Sailors. My life is full of adventures. Usually its full with things like Meteor showers, living quills, fallen gods. Wait. No that happened just the other day. Audience "..." many hours later... "a miracle the man survived at all while at sea... a demoness can you believe that!.... and then there was this Clown... he was unfathomable.... but what do you think happened... luckily I was there... many more hours later... see my spiritual power was draining I had to.... this was also when I started training coin tossing.... truly it has become an art now... And then finally my performance bore fruit.... there were many fireworks.... then they had to escape a time loop... as expected not only did I set him free from that worm I also.... a bunch of fools all of them! I've basically done the impossible.... the secret organisation is hard sometimes... All the mind games... thankfully... ahh little Sun's expeditions put most men to shame...