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Mlp原创英文同人 science is magic(5)

2023-03-08RainbowMlp 来源:百合文库
With the quiet and sleeping another pony, they go to snow machine again.when the cuteusa put c4 at the snow machine rainbow is seeing for under cover.
"C4 is on the way,let us move out!"" How much time do we have?""half hour."when the c4 is really to explode,they dive out of cloud city.
"Take me! I don't want to stay with a explode cloud Citylife.""why are you say that? I am mean of loyal element."when they out of cloud city,rainbow take the cuteusa fly away just as they coming.
But at same tim,twilight is worry about rainbow maybe make something as that so her go to the cloud city…
To be continued.
foreplay:rainbow and cuteusa was put a c4 bomb at the snow make machine,and twilight also going to cloud city for safely.
"Hey! wake up! What happen?"when the twilight seeing the sleeping pony. Her know must happen something. When her see the injection . Twilight is almost guessed what  happen.