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花样年华 1:Shadow of My Childhood 童年的阴影-南俊

2023-03-26RMBTS防弹少年团金南俊南俊 来源:百合文库
未经允许不许二传!!! 有翻译问题直接私!!!
27 June Year 16
I darted down the stairs from the 13th floor. I was out of breath and my legs were trembling. I collapsed in the shadow of the entrance to the apartment building. I stared late today because school got out later than usual. I had to go full speed to post the fliers in all four apartment buildings by the deadline. If I didn’t, my boss would be waiting for me with a long lecture. I had laboriously coaxed him into hiring a middle school student. Surely, I couldn’t let myself get fired at this point. Mom quit her job at the restaurant last week. We had to pay for doctor’s bills for Dad, not to mention the overdue electricity and gas. I kept nodding off in the shadow. There were kids playing basketball in the far distance. I got up again. Time to run, I recited to myself. I must do it.
