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花样年华 1:Shadow of My Childhood 童年的阴影-玧其

2023-03-26BTS防弹少年团SUGA闵玧其玧其 来源:百合文库
未经允许不许二传!!! 有翻译问题直接私!!!
19 September Year 16
Flames were devouring my house. Just this morning, it was whole and intact, but now it was aflame. People who recognized me ran towards me, shouting unintelligible words. The neighbors stamped their feet, looking nervous. The fire truck couldn’t get to my house because the accessway was blocked. I stood there frozen. It was the end of summer and first days of fall. The sky was blue and the air was crisp. I didn’t know what to think, what to feel, or what to do. Suddenly, I though of Mom. At that moment, my house collapsed with a thundering crash. It was completely enveloped in flames. Or, rather, it was a giant flame itself. The roof, pillars, walls, and my room tumbled down one by one as if they were made of sand. All I could do was gaze at them with vacant eyes.
People barged past me. I heard them saying the fine truck finally got though. Someone grabbed me by the shoulder and asked urgently, “Is someone in there?” I just stared blankly at her. “Is your mom in there?” She shook me hard by the shoulder. “No, there is no one.” I heard myself saying it. “What do you mean?” It was one of the ladies from my neighborhood. “What happened to your mom? Where is she?” “There is no one.” I wasn’t sure what I was saying. Someone barged past me again.