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坠入凡间的天使--奥黛丽·赫本 Part 2

2023-03-26人物英语奥黛丽·赫本 来源:百合文库
In 1945, Winja Marova referred Hepburn to Sonia Gaskell’s Ballet Studio ’45 in Amsterdam, where Hepburn studied ballet for three more years. Gaskell believed that Hepburn had something special; especially the way she used her doe eyes to captivate audiences.
1945年,温佳·玛洛娃(Winja Marova)推荐赫本去索尼娅·盖斯凯尔(Sonia Gaskell)在阿姆斯特丹的芭蕾舞工作室学习,这一学就是三年多的时间。盖斯凯尔认为赫本有某种特别之处,尤其特别的是她用她那双闪闪发亮的大眼睛吸引观众的方式。
Gaskell introduced Audrey to Marie Rambert of Ballet Rambert in London, a company performing night revues in London and international tours. Hepburn auditioned for Rambert and was accepted with scholarship in early 1948.
盖斯凯尔将赫本推荐给伦敦兰伯特芭蕾舞团的Marie Rambert,这个舞蹈团在伦敦和国际巡演中表演夜间讽刺剧。赫本通过了舞蹈团的面试,并在1948年初获得了奖学金。
By October, Rambert told Hepburn that she did not have the physique to become a prima ballerina for she was too tall (Hepburn was 5’7”). Plus, Hepburn didn’t compare to the other dancers since she had begun serious training too late.
Devastated that her dream was over, Hepburn tried out for a part in the chorus line in High Button Shoes, a zany play at London’s Hippodrome. She got the part and performed 291 shows, using the name Audrey Hepburn.