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2023-03-27英语笑话 来源:百合文库

A young couple just moved in next door and the husband always cursed his wife. I felt pretty sorry for the wife. One day, the husband was cursing again and the wife said:”Enough is enough! Stop cursing!” Then the man cried in tears:”You hit me so heavy! Of course I can curse at you!”
My girlfriend is from Shanxi and I’m from Jiangsu. My family invited her dad to come to our house to discuss about our engagement party and wedding plan. Both my dad and her dad don’t speak mandarin and they don’t know each other’s dialects. So, here’s what we did---my girlfriend and I stood behind them and translated for them while they talked and smiled like leaders from two countries.
A: How do you feel after getting married?
B: No pretty look, no hot body, just being broke.
I went to a jewelry store with my wife today. She said to me, “Honey, when I turn to 30, will you buy me that 24-gram gold bracelet?” I was frightened but I calmed down and said to her gently while holding her hand, “Honey, you will always be 18 in my heart.”