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飞向星空54 永恒的青春1(个人翻译) (注:前面的章节可在专栏搜索UP“风若兮未

Chapter 54: Eternal Youth
"We are having a great time here on New California! Mami definitely needed this break, after all that's happened, and I think she's really unwinding[1]. Some of her friends are visiting, and she even feels like she's accomplishing something! We're still, uh, working on how she feels about me, but it's progress! Talk to you again soon! You know, in person, kind of."
— Machina, Version Two Tactical Computer, Personal Missive [2]to Clarisse, Version Two Tactical Computer. Attachment: Picture Postcard.
〈In the following text, 〈〉① indicates content redacted to those without security clearance. The number indicates the degree of security clearance required to access enclosed content.〉①
For a long time after the end of the Unification Wars, but before the current alien conflict, computing security was considered by and large[3] a solved problem, especially by the layman on the street. Not solved in the sense that a miraculous perfect solution had been found, but in the sense that no living human would ever have to think about the technical aspects.