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{Mr. Namagoose闭上眼睛,缓慢的呼气,几分钟后他继续了谈话。}
Dr. ███████:谢谢你,Mr. Namagoose。]
最终记录:目前与SCP-323或SCP-323-1接触的人员身上还没有发现与Mr. Namagoose类似的精神影响。进一步的研究尚未被部署,然而,鼓励工作人员上报进行与以上两者有关的工作时感受到的任何非典型感受。
Object Class: Euclid
Special Containment Procedures: SCP-323 is to be kept in a 17m x 17m x 17m concrete containment cell in Site-91. The object is to be restrained in the center of the cell within a 1m3 container of 8.8cm thick transparent armor lined with one-way laminate, which is to be fit with one (1) electronically locked access port. This container is to be internally lit, with the surrounding cell kept dimmer to facilitate the one-way laminate. The cell is to be surveyed remotely at all times, and any signs of activity are to be reported.
No personnel are to enter SCP-323's containment cell except to examine the integrity of SCP-323's restraint measures. The restraint measures are to be examined bi-weekly, and any signs of damage are to be repaired immediately. All personnel who enter SCP-323's containment cell are to be accompanied by an armed guard. Personnel are not to be within SCP-323's containment cell for longer than forty-five (45) minutes, and any communication around SCP-323 is to be written or spoken in a language other than English or French.