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In the event that SCP-323 breaches containment and an instance of SCP-323-1 is formed, personnel are to evacuate Site-91 and the site is to be locked down. Remote units are to be deployed to destroy the body of SCP-323-1; following this, armed personnel may be sent in to re-establish the containment of SCP-323.
Description: SCP-323 is the skull of an unidentified cervid measuring 55cm long, 27cm wide, and 31cm tall, with a pair of antlers, measuring 35cm tall and 46cm from tip to tip, growing from the left and right sides of SCP-323. SCP-323 shows signs of damage consistent with outside exposure, with regular pitting, scarring and weathering across the object, bleaching on the upper surfaces and a missing lower mandible. The rear of the skull features an approximately centered ovoid gap, measuring 25 cm high and 23cm wide, giving access to an interior space 16cm deep. This gap shows signs of tool use, indicating that it was carved with tools, possibly stone.
SCP-323 displays the ability to react to aural, tactile, and visual stimuli. Testing has revealed SCP-323 appears to have a field of view similar to that of other cervids, and has responded to visual stimuli from up to 50m away. The targeting of specific members of personnel, various attempts to breach containment, and the violent reaction towards speakers of the French and English languages suggests a level of sapience; however, this is unconfirmed.