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Crush on You - Chapter I(2)

2023-10-27 来源:百合文库
“What? How could it be they two fight with each other? I wonder if Carey’s pretty face ever smashed.” continued with laughter. “I swear to god, Carey is kind of scary but…very hot ugh.”
Carey…I had heard so many times of this name, and he was called “Ruffian” in our school. It was said that he was rude, touch, aggressive but handsome. Those girls who were both afraid of his dreadful aura and addicted to his sense of mystery often made me down and I could not make comprehension on them. But I didn’t care actually. I had no interest with a guy like that at all, or should I say, why would I set connection with him? There was no reason for me to get involved with a guy who often fell into trouble.

Crush on You - Chapter I

One normal day, I arranged my backpack and went out of school after the bell rang as usual. But unfortunately I encountered a uninvited visitor.
“Hey you little boy.” I made note of an unpleasant voice and I looked around but found that here came three threatening guys towards me. Not until I could dash my legs forward that they caught me in a second and I was pushed heavily into a narrow alley.
“I have not enough money for activities and you need to support!” The one leading said to me and behaved so rudely that I was pressed heavily upon the wall. “I…I…” I got aware immediately of what I had been involved in but my brain fell in standstill and could not make a complete response at once. And obviously it irritated him.