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Crush On You - Chapter IV(3)

2023-11-13 来源:百合文库
I must repeat it again and again that I could never image that we lie on the same bed to sleep. Due to some complex emotion and sleeping that I had had just now I got insomnia on the early several hours while lying on bed stiffly and what stirred me badly later was that he hugged me in half an embrace. Thus I could not move in order not to wake him up. Blood running circling around within my body seemed more slowly than ever. I kept an uncomfortable posture for a long time and fell asleep at last nobody would tell exactly when.

Crush On You - Chapter IV

I got rapidly up in the morning while he was still in mild snore. I could not tell why I escaped from his home so clumsily and sent him a massage to remind him that I went home for some preparation for departure to school. That’s obviously fake my information left. My mind had already fallen into chaos when I got rid of his sort of tightly hooped arms!
The sky in which had been swept up by storm yesterday now shined bright marvelously with purity but it did not help make out my entangled thought. Air fresh entering and rambling around body which makes everyone walking on the roads delightful did not hold a upset guy’s pace towards his home in a staggered manner.