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【圣诞特辑】Whistling Dick's Christmas Stocking ——O. Henry(2)

——就写篇新的圣诞故事, 只为自己的女儿!
于是,在监狱冷酷的环境中,他强颜欢笑,开始埋头写作。他写一个 没有家、没有职业、没有亲属的流浪汉写这个流浪汉在别人欢乐之时没有节日可过的凄凉。之后,随便署上个“欧.亨利”的名字这是他头脑中偶然想到的一个名字, 他无心为自己认真挑选笔名,因为他非但不指望留名后世,甚至连生时的声名也不想要。
O. HenryPart 1
It was with much caution that Whistling Dick slid back the door of the box-car, for Article 5716, City Ordinances, authorized (perhaps unconstitutionally) arrest on suspicion, and he was familiar of old with this ordinance. So, before climbing out, he surveyed the field with all the care of a good general.

【圣诞特辑】Whistling Dick’s Christmas Stocking ——O. Henry

He saw no change since his last visit to this big, alms-giving, long-suffering city of the South, the cold weather paradise of the tramps. The levee where his freight-car stood was pimpled with dark bulks of merchandise. The breeze reeked with the well-remembered, sickening smell of the old tarpaulins that covered bales and barrels. The dun river slipped along among the shipping with an oily gurgle. Far down toward Chalmette he could see the great bend in the stream outlined by the row of electric lights. Across the river Algiers lay, a long, irregular blot, made darker by the dawn which lightened the sky beyond. An industrious tug or two, coming for some early sailing ship, gAve a few appalling toots, that seemed to be the signal for breaking day. The Italian luggers were creeping nearer their landing, laden with early vegetables and shellfish. A vague roar, subterranean in quality, from dray wheels and street cars, began to make itself heard and felt; and the ferryboats, the Mary Anns of water craft, stirred sullenly to their menial morning tasks.