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Mumbles of Night (with Tom Hiddleston抖森(2)

2023-03-27抖森TomHiddleston 来源:百合文库
“Ay, but there’s a woman who has never told a story about her life before the day she met you. She suffered pains physically and mentally, spilling her life to go through those days, which, for her, were endless. Assorted nightmares creeped on her chest with their heartless and chill paws in those dark silent nights.” Said I.
Suddenly he hushed my mouth, with forefinger crossing my soft lips. His eyes talked me down tenderly. 
“There, there. Honey, I’m here. I got you in my arms.” Said he.
My body curled up next to him. He slightly kissed my soft hair. Looking into those eyes, filling with love of all mine that could even melt solid ice, I kissed him fondly unliked I did before. 
“Oh Lord, how could I love you more than I am now? Whole heart and soul of mine have already been yours. Tsunami and poverty can no longer hold me back from your arms. All to follow my own dear true love!” I said.