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法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)(4)

法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)

It was this beggar-like guy who ruined the peaceful atmosphere of the whole town with his evil magic. Every day he hung around, looking for busy, crowded places and fed on spirits to his own satisfaction. If no tourist was around to become his victims, he would randomly wander into a café or restaurant to eat, the clerks there serving him gratis, forced by his Breaking News. None of the local safeguards or constables were equivalent to his power, thus they let him do anything as he liked without a second choice. Not long later, visitors from the country all feared to come, which depressed the economy, Bili Restaurant being no exception. Crazitelly witnessed the departure of every single cook and servant, and took over their jobs in tears. Unable to make ends meet, he had to butcher the cooing pigeons that had been kept in the dining hall for long, so that he could give out the payoffs on time. With the hustle and bustle of city life now replaced by bleakness and remoteness, how come he would not feel heartbroken?

法外狂徒之执行者【English Version】I(大量英文慎入)
